International Hobo's Chris Bateman joins University of Bolton

Implicit Game Aesthetics

Implicit Game Aesthetics was a serial in seven parts running here at from April 18th to May 30th 2012. The serial looks at the definitions of ‘game’ provided by various game designers and academics, and considers what aesthetic value judgements must underlie their claims. Each of the parts ends with a link to the next one, so to read the entire serial, simply click on the first link below, and then follow the "next" links to read on.

Here are the seven parts of Implicit Game Aesthetics:

  1. Crawford's Taxonomy
  2. Costikyan's Critical Language
  3. Koster's Theory of Fun
  4. Cook's Chemistry
  5. McGonigal and Suits
  6. Caillios and Malaby
  7. An Island of Play

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I liked the series, I thought it was well done. In general, I appreciate this blog, it is interesting to think about the nature(s) of games.

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it - and the blog as a whole. :)

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