Eden (Concept document)
Barking over at Escapist

Welcome to the New ihobo Website!

It's been a long time coming, but we are finally ready to roll out the new International Hobo website. We've moved over to a new blog form, and will be adding new content here regularly. For a start, the games post that previously went out on Wednesday's at my personal blog, Only a Game, will now be being posted here - so every Wednesday you'll find a new post about game design, the games industry or game narrative. I'll also be digging into the neurobiology of play in the near future so stay tuned if you want to learn about how your brain reacts to videogames. I also have guest posts from Noah Falstein and Nicole Lazzaro, and I hope to have some of my other friends in the videogames industry drop by in the future. There will also be other content besides the Wednesday posts, but these will be more intermittent.

We hope you enjoy the new ihobo blog and we look forward to hearing from you in the comments!

Chris Bateman
Managing Director & Creative Overlord
International Hobo Ltd


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